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- Autism, STOP it Now.
- The prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD is now one out of 68 children and one out of 46 boys. The cost of having a child on the Spectrum is significant, both emotionally and financially for the parents and for society.
- A debate has raged for decades now on what causes Autism and how to deal with it. ASD appears to manifest between 2 and 4 years of age. The discussion has been very subjective even though science is often quoted in the justification of viewpoints. Many mothers have observed their children to have changed right after receiving a vaccination. The medical establishment vehemently denies any connection. And there are other triggers being argued about. A solution is not available. Almost half of children identified with ASD have average or above average intellectual ability. Early recognition, as well as behavioral, educational, and family therapies may reduce symptoms and support development and learning. I have observed, that changing genetic expression, ideally with the expecting parents, but also with the developing infant can help reduce the incidence of ASD.
- Genetic mutations trigger Autism.
- I treat allergy related autism by desensitizing the individual from their food and environmental sensitivities with an Advanced Stress Reduction™ technique called the SHOW Method. But what if we could PREVENT Autism altogether. I think we could reduce the incidence numbers. HOW?!
- If we scan parents or infants with the ASR Biofeedback™ software for their energetic profiles, meaning a database of foods, chemicals and microbes, and then harmonize their emerging epigenetic stressors through, we can potentially neutralize many of these triggers before they cause functional damage. We want to harmonize the infant’s epigenetic expression! That includes taking stress out of the metabolism, like allergies / sensitivities, up-regulating detoxification and improving the Immune system.
- Pregnant women who catch the flu or have a fever that lasts over one week have a higher risk of giving birth to a baby with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, researchers from the University of Aarhus, Denmark, reported in the journal Pediatrics.
- There’s plenty of proof that AUTISM is related to genetic predispositions. Meaning, mutations and SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) in the DNA, which is also known as the genome. More than 140 genes have been mentioned in scientific papers in the context of ASD. The obvious questions is: well ok, but what can you do about it.! A LOT !! One has to realize, that the DNA is the most vibrant, resonating material of life. Given to us by The Almighty and evolved over thousands of years with one purpose only – to LIVE, Reproduce and to SURVIVE in our environment.
- So yes, the DNA changes, it adapts to demands from the environment. It’s a living thing. Pliable like a sponge and ready to respond to the daily demands of life. Far from being made of stone.
There are mechanisms build into the DNA to repair itself every day, minute by minute. Just like every other tissue in the body. But, there is another phenomenon to be aware of. Over the thousands of years, we have accumulated many mutations in our DNA. In fact, everybody has thousands of these mutations and SNPs, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, the switched out little rungs on the DNA ladder. Not just a few, but many thousands. And what makes you and me different for susceptibility is the spread of these mutations across the DNA. Which is why one sibling may develop Autism and another may not. 
- The very fragile, precious and most powerful and amazing DNA.
- 3 Billion links of DNA are populated across our Genome, another word for functional DNA, and thousands of mutations are mixed in and hidden within our DNA. These mutations and SNPs cause serious metabolic stress like allergies and inflammation. The GOOD NEWS is, We can find many of those mutations with genetic testing, and even more exciting, I have discovered that we can harmonize their expression through precision energy treatments (ASR Biofeedback™, SHOW Method, NAET and others) and that, I believe and have observed, can change genetic predisposition.
- What do we have to do to change genetic predispositions?
- We have to think energetically. Subtle energies can harmonize genetic expression. Genes can be addressed or communicated with by subtle energies, meaning certain (electromagnetic) frequencies. In the practical real world I do this by harmonizing genes associated with allergies, sensitivities and latent infections. Whether detected by conventional testing or not. We can detect them energetically through Kinesiology testing or with ASR Biofeedback™ technology. These allergies, sensitivities and latent infections present as energetic stressors to the metabolism – to the body. And that’s how we can detect them. That’s also how we alleviate these metabolic stressors, with energy balancing feedback techniques. And low and behold, the body changes functionally. Many allergies can be eliminated at this specific, detailed level of biofeedback, and thus harmonizing epigenetic function.
- There are limitations to physical medicine. i.e. being diagnosed with an allergy to dust mites is a bit useless. There is no gene responsible for ‘Dust Mites’. But there are genes responsible for:
- Vitamin B12 metabolism
- Calcium Metabolism
- Vitamin D metabolism
- breakdown of phenolics in peanuts etc.
- There are certain genes responsible to:
- detoxify food colors
- food preservatives
- vaccination toxins
- We can de-stress the SNPs and mutations within these specific gene functions by harmonizing their expression with very specific subtle energies and frequencies (ASR Biofeedback). If we do this early on in an infants’ life, the chances of an adverse reaction to the many chemicals and substances they need to be able to process (detox) in their modern lifestyles are greatly reduced. And that fact reduces the numbers of triggers which can express Autism. How exciting is that!!So, we want to become aware of the fact, that one can significantly influence genetic expression – for the worse with unhealthy lifestyle choices but most importantly for the better, with healthy lifestyle choices and precision energy treatments and ASR Biofeedback™.
- The SHOW Method, which is the method by which the individualized ASR Biofeedback protocols are administered, reduces epigenetic stress caused by inborn mutations and SNPs and can harmonize genetic expression of the body’s metabolism. This improves the child’s metabolism to process food and nutrients without allergic reaction, detoxing waste products and chemicals more efficiently, and eliminating latent infections effectively.
- All this is possible simply by avoiding drugs and toxins as much as possible and honoring the body’s inborn code of life and survival by empowering it with harmonizing energetic treatments and healing even our genetic imperfections. Preferably with the consciousness that we are imperfect and in anticipation of bumps in the journey of life. We can prevent a lot of Autism NOW by being pro-active about our genetic predispositions.
- Autism
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