Inflammation and Genomic Stress

Genomic Stress and ASR Advanced Stress Relief


Stress is a common cause of inflammation, which is the culprit for most diseases, including asthma, obesity, diabetes, heart disease and more. Within the human genome is all the information required to live. Genomic stress in the form of simple mutations or SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms), when identified and then modulated or relieved, can help biochemically mediate stress and; thereby reduce inflammation and oppose disease.

The SHOW Method uses ASR to address Genomic Stress:

I have developed the SHOW Method to accomplish just that. The process starts by finding and determining unknown and subconscious stress factors and modulating those stressors at the functional level. This unique method strives to detect specific allergies and sensitivities, even infections in order to energetically harmonize them. The SHOW Method also studies genes which can help pinpoint and predict errors within the DNA that may cause metabolic stress triggering inflammation.


Metabolism, the process that helps digest food and operate the immune system, is governed by our DNA and affected by the environment. The environment is everything your body has to deal with, from the weather to what you put in your mouth. Metabolism is also largely influenced by epigenetics, and therefor alterations in gene expressions that do not involve changes to the DNA sequence. ASR and The SHOW Method strive to harmonize and improve metabolic functions through applying very specific frequencies. Frequencies innate to nutrients, toxins, pathogens, even genes. Feedback treatments are applied through these subtle frequencies and combinations of frequencies.

Cells and DNA:

Life is orchestrated at the cellular level, and 100 trillion cells work continuously to keep us alive. Each cell contains the entire DNA in its nucleus, and all these cells communicate with each other intensely to coordinate the biochemistry of life. The average human has more than 20 thousand imperfections in the genetic operating code, the DNA. These imperfections are the most serious stress people must address because it impairs our ability to detox efficiently, metabolize perfectly, handle physical stress easily, manage psychological stress effortlessly and eliminate viruses quickly.

Cellular communications equals energy:

The SHOW Method enables people to listen to their body’s cellular communications and pick up on the quirks within. It then strives to put together an effective modulatory feedback to harmonize epigenetic expression of metabolic errors caused by mutations. Software is helpful in plowing through the sheer number of possible quirks, issues and metabolic errors present in a person’s genome. The IMAET System is an ASR™ biofeedback device I developed, to assist in managing these databases. The IMAET helps manage the thousands of proteins and stressors which need to be analyzed and harmonized to overcome inflammation and pain.

Each nutrient is managed by a gene, or more often, a set of genes. For example, MTHFR is a gene which methylates Folate, also called Folic Acid and Vitamin B9. Methylation is the biochemical activation of genes. In this case it activates Folate, a very important B Vitamin. A SNP in this gene is quite common and it has consequences on multiple levels, from heart disease to anxiety. The SHOW Method attempts to harmonize such genomic inadequacies by delivering a harmonizing biofeedback treatment.

Addressing metabolism at such a specific level is new and exciting. And from my clinical experience quite successful. It makes one realize just how imperfect we are. Tens of thousands of imperfections. But, on the other hand, it also makes one realize just how much potential we have. Relying on drugs for health from the cradle on, is not harmonious. The health statistics and health insurance premiums are proof of that policy. Instead, we need to address this reality (of genomic imperfection) very early in life. The earlier the better. Our young children need this approach most urgently, for a healthy life, independent from drugs. Our genes are designed to repair themselves constantly, just like all other tissues in the body. We can support this natural process with an energetic, harmonizing approach. More in line with teaching the body better function and more independence, rather than overpowering it’s weaknesses and creating more dependance.


Stress and how to defeat it naturally.

STRESS , a syndrome with all the familiar symptoms:   

  • Aches & pains
  • Not feeling well, fatigue
  • Digestive upsets
  • Rashes
  • Fever

All sectors of healthcare now acknowledge that STRESS is the universal factor in virtually all diseases and the cause of many. Hans Selye forged the concept of stress in the 1940’s and 50’s. He conceptualized the physiology of stress as having two components:

  • a set of responses which he called the “general adaptation syndrome” and
  • the development of a pathological state from ongoing and unrelieved stress.

There are many stress relieving activities and techniques to anyone’s disposal, such as yoga, meditation, prayer, a walk through the park and regular, moderate exercise. One friend of mine says, racing cars relaxes him.

Causes of stress:

One of the phenomenon about stress is just the sheer number of different stressors our bodies have to deal with on a daily basis. There are literally thousands. Not just the screaming kids, the grumpy colleague or the record breaking heat wave. No, there are viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, molds, dust, allergens of all kinds imaginable, food chemicals, environmental chemicals, financial stress, emotional stressors, negative thoughts, negative news, pollution, drugs and yes, junk food and sodas.

And none of this touches us? We just keep on going. Blood pressure rises, there’s a pill for that, Thyroid is low, there’s a pill for that, blood sugar is high, there’s a pill for that, pain – there’s many pills for that.

A natural solution:

A new technology, which finds specific stressors by measuring thousands of stress responses, identifying the ones which bother an individual the most and relieving those noxious energies may hold some promise in preempting some of the pathologies resulting from chronic stress. An advanced, very comfortable and non-invasive method to combat stress through sophisticated stress relieve called Quantum Biofeedback with the application of the SHOW Method.

Reduction of stress can hold considerable health benefits.

The concept of Quantum Biofeedback is based on a fusion of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and modern Medical Science. It measures the details of the body’s Bio-Energy Field and checks that data for stressors. These stressors can also be looked at as energetic imbalances. The SHOW Method even addresses genomic stressors such as MTHFR and many other SNPs causing allergies and inflammation within the metabolism. This software based technology measures and quantifies between 2000 and 7000 stressor frequencies within 3-5 minutes. The feedback cycle, which harmonizes these stressors, takes between 15 – 20 minutes. Ideally you receive this feedback while your back is being massaged in a massage chair; a 21st century stress reduction method, detailed and specific to the individuals’ physiological status. The SHOW Method is designed to relieve stress from inflammation, allergies, sensitivities and infections.

Reducing one’s many stressors will certainly help you stay healthier. It’s a great anti-aging strategy.

Getting Rid of Asthma

ASTHMA – Inflammation of the Airways
“Caused by Allergies, Airborne Irritants and a lot more.”

Common Causes of Asthma

Two main factors contribute to asthma: inflammation of the airway passages and hyper-reactive bronchi.
When triggered by stimulus certain cells lining the airways release chemical substances called mediators that lead to inflammation. This inflammation causes the airway passages to swell, the cells lining the bronchi to produce excess mucus, and the airway opening to narrow.
Hyper-reactivity is when the bronchi respond to stimuli in an exaggerated way by constricting the airway muscles and making it difficult to breathe.
Some stimuli triggers are: different kind of pollen, food, dust, mold, animal hair, smoke, perfumes, deodorants, detergents, chemical vapors, preservatives, food colors, virus, bacteria, emotional stress, cold or hot weather, pharmaceuticals, and many more. Things escalate to an emergency when multiple factors compile on top of each other.
The threshold of a trigger reaction is often influenced by other underlying systemic inflammatory conditions such as food allergies (knowingly or not) as well as latent infections. One of the many surprising experiences from my clinical work has been how many people are unaware of their food allergies. They may be subtle, but they do cause a general state of inflammation anywhere in the body, depending on a person’s genetic profile or make-up.

Finding the Causes and Triggers

It is important to realize that different varieties of allergies and sensitivities and dormant infections together cause Asthma. The question poses: How do we find them all.
There are many different ways to identify the actual inflammatory causes of asthma: One can find them by traditional means and allergy testing. For allergy testing through blood work to be helpful, one needs to look for IgG mediated allergies NOT just IgE related allergies.
What I use is 3 different searches, depending on the presenting individual situation.
1) Genome wide genetic testing will actually reveal the underlying mutational facts.
2) Kinesiology and Muscle Testing with test kits containing vials.
3) Reactivity testing of data bases through new Biofeedback technology (IMAET system).
And of course, samples and items which patients present because they are aware of being allergic to them or they bring in to be tested for by Muscle Reflex Testing (MRT). i.e. “Doctor, can you test me for this shampoo, I have a feeling I may be allergic to it”.
Another important factor is to become aware of the shear number of different items a person can have difficulties with as far as processing them within the body is concerned. This ‘processing’ of allergens means breaking these substances down for metabolism or detoxification, which is executed by an infinite number of enzymes, each of which is governed by a set of genes. And yes, there are lots of mutations within those genes, SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) being the simplest and most frequent form thereof. The average person has thousands of these simple mutations, causing inflammation within the metabolism. Remember, metabolism happens at the cellular level. It’s our cells that execute all fundamental functions of life, and it’s in the nucleus of each cell where our DNA is located. Oh, and did I mention, you are made up of 100 trillion cells.

Treating the causes

The SHOW Method spells out a protocol on how to effectively eliminate and alleviate each layer of these allergies and irritants. I personally experienced this phenomenon of gently and non-invasively reducing allergy-driven inflammation first over 15 years ago with a technique known as NAET® (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique). Building on some of this knowledge, I have developed a drug free and natural solution to alleviate allergies of all types and intensities, the SHOW Method. It’s using a blend of selective energy balancing, energy testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture/acupressure, allopathic, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine as well as sophisticated software technology.
How can we accomplish the alleviation of inflammatory triggers and allergies?
Besides common sense lifestyle choices, particularly a nurturing diet, high in nutrition and low in chemicals and toxins, we can harmonize genetic expression with special energetic signatures that resonate with particular low functioning or dysfunctional genes belonging to dysfunctional enzymes. Enzymes are the workhorses of our bodies and execute all biochemical reactions in the body. If done correctly, this energetic biofeedback appears to harmonize genetic expression of metabolism and immune function. The benefits of this improved genetic expression being a decrease in allergic sensitivity and inflammation, better detoxification capability and increased immune function.

I have seen life long cases of asthma resolve completely. In older people it takes more work, more treatments and longer treatment periods. In young people it’s a rather quick and more efficient process. The lifelong benefits and the freedom of not being dependent on an inhaler are remarkable, I feel. Another big advantage for younger people receiving these kind of energy treatments is what I have observed and science is confirming, that because these treatments are changing genetic expression the improvement in function is also heritable.
My book “One Thousand Shades of Pink” has 2 different chapters about Asthma cases of an older person and a young person. It’s an interesting and funny read, and a bit more in detail.


Asthma in many cases can be permanently alleviated by following the described trail of allergies, infections and mutations. In some cases emotional traumas are also involved. The treatment protocols are energetic and involve many ancient and modern energy procedures. My SHOW Method is one such technique including epigenetic and genomic knowledge in the protocols.

Prostate Health

The prostate separates urinary function from sexual function. Like all organs and glands of the body, the prostate is subject to neurological and hormonal regulation. One of the biggest trouble makers for the prostate is INFLAMMATION. Yes, you have heard it before, inflammation causes so many health problems.
What are common prostate problems?
For men under 50, the most common prostate problem is prostatitis.
For men over 50, the most common prostate problem is prostate enlargement. This condition is also called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Older men are at risk for prostate cancer as well, but this disease is much less common than BPH. More information about prostate cancer is available from the National Cancer Institute.
What causes this inflammation of the prostate?
Some kinds of prostatitis may be caused by bacterial infections which need to be treated by a Medical Doctor usually with antibiotics.
In my clinical experience, many cases of prostatitis, but especially prostate enlargement is caused by hidden food sensitivities, sensitivities to food chemicals and environmental chemicals and the effects of residual hormones from non-organic meats.
What can be done to reduce this inflammation?
Lifestyle changes: a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet with organic foods and chemical free foods is the most obvious and direct strategy. I recommend my complementary and alternative technique called the SHOW Method to desensitize the body to the many inflammatory triggers, including gluten, dairy, nuts etc. The SHOW Method can identify sensitivities and then change genetic expression of sensitivities and allergies. In addition you want to be aware of latent infections, sub-clinical infections (anywhere in the body) and focus your immune system on the eradication of these infections. This is the other component to the SHOW Method and the IMAET System.
Is BPH a sign of cancer?
No. It’s true that some men with prostate cancer also have BPH, but that doesn’t mean that the two conditions are always linked. Most men with BPH don’t develop prostate cancer. Check with your Medical Doctor to rule out cancer. Utilize the SHOW Method to help prevent Prostate Cancer and to change your genetic expression. Read One Thousand Shades of Pink
For good prostate health
• Eat organic vegetables and meats, free of hormones and antibiotics
• Eliminate all allergies with SHOW Method or NAET
• Unleash your Immune System on all latent infections with SHOW Method.